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Virtual Healthcare Privacy Lessons From The Babylon Telus Health OIPC Investigation Report
You’ve probably heard about the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) investigation report into Babylon Health. The investigation report provides privacy guidance for vendors of virtual healthcare solutions and the healthcare providers who use the digital health solutions. This is a great demonstration on why it is so important to ensure that you have current information management agreements with your vendors. Jean Eaton shares tips to help you keep your vendor agreements current and explains why it is important to the protection of patient information and the reputation of your business.
The OIPC issued its findings and recommendations after investigating the Babylon by Telus Health app under HIA. There were eight findings and 11 recommendations made in this investigation.
Use The Lessons From The Babylon Telus Health Investigation Help You To Implement Digital Health Solutions In Your Practice
The recommendations from the Babylon Health Investigation Report can be used to guide healthcare providers, clinic managers, privacy officers, and vendors to develop and implement virtual healthcare solutions in your practice.
In the Practice Management Nuggets Podcasts, Jean Eaton reviews the investigation report and offers practical suggestions that you can use regarding
- key criteria when reviewing (or preparing) your privacy impact assessment (PIA)
- policies, procedures
- information management agreements (IMA)
- privacy and security awareness training
- data storage outside of Alberta
Show Notes
Recorded: August 2021
01:04 Introduction Jean L. Eaton
H2021-IR-01Jul 29 2021Babylon Health Canada Limited et al
04:08 OIPC Findings
16:13 OIPC Recommendations
21:15 Practical Privacy Officer’s Strategies course
21:47 Searchie
Practical Privacy Officer Strategies Training
If you need virtual care policies, procedures, sample consent notices, risk assessment, and do-it-yourself PIA templates, I can help you with that!
Virtual Care and Remote Working Privacy Impact Assessment on-line course includes:
- Virtual Care procedure templates
- Remote Working procedure and checklist templates
- Collection Notice templates
- Privacy and security risk templates
- Privacy Impact Assessment template
- Cover letter to the OIPC template
This package is available for a one-time price of $75. Get the templates here:
When we know better, we can do better…
Practical Privacy Officer Strategies
Most privacy officers also have other roles – as a clinic manager, healthcare provider, computer network technician, or business owner – and are often overwhelmed when trying to balance these responsibilities each and every day.
But that’s not the end of the problem. It actually gets worse!
You are missing the systems to monitor routine tasks that will protect privacy and alert you to potential problems before they become privacy and security incidents.
Bottom Line: If you are spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to get started, it will cost you time, money, and frustration!
Which means you never get around to implementing a robust privacy management program.
If you are a privacy officer in a healthcare practice who needs practical privacy management strategies to protect your patients and your healthcare business but can’t figure out how to get started, here’s the solution you’ve been looking for.
Introducing “Practical Privacy Officer Strategies!” Training for privacy officers in healthcare in Canada.
Registration Opens Soon!
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Jean L. Eaton, Your Practical Privacy Coach
and Your Practice Management Mentor
with Information Managers Ltd.